Early Pliocene to Late Pleistocene; Extinct.
South Florida to Virginia.
Note the northernmost Middle Pleistocene occurrence on the map is erroneous; this will be corrected in the future.
Original description from Conrad (1840; p. 50-51):
"Shell subovate, plicated, folds very irregular, superior valve flat; disks with short irregular impressed lines; cardinal area large; cartilage groove oblique, not deeply impressed; muscular impression very long and obliquely sublunate.
Locality. James river, near Smithfield, Va.
Observations. I referred this species to the O. virginiana in my first publication on the Tertiary fossils, p. 28. pl. xiv. fig. 2. It is not very abundant, and may be distinguished from the preceding by its larger size, more numerous plicae, and the impressed lines, &c."