Late Miocene (and possibly Middle Miocene) to Late Pleistocene; Recent.
Paleogeographic Distribution
Panama to Virginia.
For information on the modern distribution of the species, see Malacolog and WoRMS.
Stratigraphic Occurrences
Late Pleistocene
Anastasia Formation (S. FL, N. FL)
Coffee Mill Hammock Formation (S. FL)
Flanner Beach Formation (NC)
Fort Thompson Formation (S. FL)
Fort Thompson Formation? (S. FL)
Fort Thompson Formation? (N. FL)
Jaimanitas Formation (Cuba)
Neuse Formation (NC)
Pamlico Formation (S. FL, N. FL)
Satilla Formation (N. FL)
Satilla Formation? (GA)
Middle Pleistocene
Bermont Formation (S. FL)
Bermont Formation? (S. FL)
Canepatch Formation (SC)
Early Pleistocene
Bear Bluff Formation (SC)
Caloosahatchee Formation (S. FL)
Nashua Formation (N. FL)
Nashua Formation? (N. FL)
Waccamaw Formation (NC)
Waccamaw Formation (SC, NC)
Late Pliocene
Duplin Formation (SC, NC)
Duplin / Raysor formations (GA)
Jackson Bluff Formation (N. FL)
Raysor Formation (GA, SC)
Tamiami Formation (S. FL)
Tamiami Formation (Buckingham Limestone) (S. FL)
Tamiami Formation (Murdock Station Member) (S. FL)
Tamiami Formation (Lower) (S. FL)
Tamiami Formation (Ochopee Limestone) (S. FL)
Tamiami Formation (Pinecrest Beds) (S. FL)
Tamiami Formation (Pinecrest Beds?) (S. FL)
Yorktown Formation (VA)
Early Pliocene
Goose Creek Limestone (Upper) (GA)
Late Miocene
Choctawhatchee Formation (GA)
Gatun Formation (Lower) (Panama)
Middle Miocene
Chesapeake Group (formation unknown) (MD) (Age not resolved beyond "Miocene")
Anomia simplex from the lower Pleistocene Nashua Fm. of Putnam County, Florida (UF 203360).Anomia simplex from the upper Pliocene Tamiami Fm. (Pinecrest Beds) of Sarasota County, Florida (PRI 70162).Anomia simplex from the upper Pliocene Yorktown Fm. of Isle of Wight County, Virginia (SDSM 139689).Anomia simplex from the lower Pleistocene Waccamaw Fm. of Brunswick County, North Carolina (PRI 70449-1).Anomia simplex from the lower Pleistocene Waccamaw Fm. of Brunswick County, North Carolina (PRI 70449-2).