Late Pliocene; Extinct.
Northern Florida.
Original Description (from Mansfield, 1930, p. 37-38):
"Shell small, rather solid, seven-whorled, with a pointed spire and a moderately large body whorl. Nucleus large, smooth, and globular. Subsequent whorl rounded at first, later becoming medially carinated. Initial sculpture of 6 find rounded spiral threads, shortly followed with fine axials entirely crossing the whorl. Following whorls low below the suture and high on lower half. Suture shallow, narrowly channeled, not appressed. Axially sculptured on the lower half of whorl with strong elongate-tuberculate ribs (9 on penultimate whorl), fading out posteriorly, forming on the upper part only low undulations. Rib on the body whorl terminate at the base. Spirally sculptured, mainly on and in front of the ribs, with primary and secondary spirals. On the early whorls there are 2 low, narrow spiral bands and on the body whorl and canal 10. One to two threads intervene the primaries. Surface on the upper part of the whorl with very faint spiral threads. Aperture rather wide, expanded medially. Margin of outer lip broken. Anterior canal short and reflected. Siphonal fasciole well developed, ornamented with 6 roughed, crowded, spiral threads.
Type (U.S.N.M. Cat. No. 369964) measures: Altitude, 12.5 mm.; diameter, 5 mm.
This species is closely related to "Drillia aphanitoma var. oxia" Dall, described from Cape Fear River, N.C., but differs from this variety in having much stronger tuberculate axials, a more depressed presutural area, and fewer secondary spiral threads.
Occurrence: Upper Miocene: Station 3672, 1 mile northwest of Hosford, Liberty County, Fla., type locality (rare); station 8176, the "Deadens," Washington County, Fla. (common)."
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