Late Pliocene to Late Pleistocene; Recent.
Southern Florida to Virginia.
For information on the modern distribution of the species, see Malacolog.
Original Description (from Gmelin, 1791, p. 3336):
"virginica. 113. O. tella fubaequivalvi craffa rudi lamellofa: valvae alterius roltro prominente.
Lift. Conch. t. 200. f. 34.
Chemn. Conch. 8. t. 200. f. 34.
Lift. Conch. t. 201. 35.
Chemn. Conch. 8. t. 74. f. 678.
Habitat in Oceano americano et indico, tefla ad 9 pollices longa, et 4 lata, exalbida, aut ochracea, intus nitente alba.
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