Late Pliocene to Late Pleistocene; Recent.
Southern Florida to North Carolina.
For information on the modern distribution of the species, see Malacolog.
Original Description (from Conrad, 1843, p. 393):
"Artemis elegans, Conrad; rare. Mullet Key. -- A. concentrica, Lam.; common. This and the preceeding species have probably been regarded as identical, but in every stage of growth there is a uniform and marked difference; the former species being more orbicular and convex, and having much more remote and distinct grooves, a character as obvious on the young shells as on the adults. It is much the rarest of the two species, and occurs fossil in the Miocene of North Carolina."
To access this description in its original formatting through the Biodiversity Heritage Library, click here.
Synonymous with Dosinia elegans and Artemis elegans Conrad, 1843 (original combination).