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Modiolus ducatelii

Geological Range

Early Miocene; Extinct.

Paleogeographic Distribution

Northern Florida.


Original Description (from Conrad, 1840, p. 53):

"Shell profoundly elongated, ventricose, valves contracted obliquely from the apex to the middle of the basal margin; lines of growth coarse and prominent; extremity of hinge line salient and rounded; posterior extremity regularly rounded; anterior extremity rather prominent and pointed.

Locality. Cliffs of Calvert, Md. Professor Ducatel."

To access this description in its original formatting through Google Books, click here.

Stratigraphic Occurrences

Early Miocene
Chipola Formation (N. FL)
<i>Modiolus ducatelii</i> from the Early Miocene Chipola Fm. of Calhoun County, Florida (UF 98900).
Modiolus ducatelii from the Early Miocene Chipola Fm. of Calhoun County, Florida (UF 98900).
Early Miocene Map
Early Miocene Map<